For a healthy and happy life
For a healthy and happy life.

Coming Soon

After 8 years of education in LICEO ITALIANO SCIENTIFICO, in Istanbul, I continued my education at KOC UNIVERSITY. After graduating in 2006 with a double major with Business Administration and Economics diplomas, I started working at Yemeni Ltd, our family business. When I think about it now, I realize that I have been in this business since I first went to Italy shoe fair as a translator with my father when I was 13 years old. For nearly 15 years, I actively worked with Italy and Italian manufacturers, who are now regarded as my friends, to bring together the most popular and best quality shoe brands with our customers.
While contiuning to do my business, since the right time has come for me to improve and transform myself, I accidentally encountered with my new journey. I was already eating healthy and fresh foods, doing exersizes, allocate special time for myself and wondering new things that would work for me to have a better life. When I started to practice ThetaHealing®, I moved to the next level and It opened a brand new door for me. In time, while working on myself I continued to receive the necessary training and became an Indipendent ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Certified ThetaHealing®Instructor.
First of all, the desire for knowing myself, for making peace with myself, for finding my life purpose, for being a better person, for accepting everyone and everything as they are, for following the path that will be beneficial for me in my life, for making appropriate decisions, for making changes, for developing my personality and for helping others and for helping them to see that there is always another option or another way, brought me to London.
If you don't know where to start or if you have already started a road but feel stuck or lost on the way or if you just want to get ideas and try it once, you should know that you are never alone in this world and I recommend that you consult me (having read this article) ​​or someone else you think will suit you best.